- | (Tales Of Suspense #39) [Couverture], Kirby Jack (D) | | Iron Man is born!, Iron Man is born! (Tales Of Suspense #39) [Récit complet], Lieber Larry (S), Heck Don (DE) | | Iron Man versus Gargantus!, Iron Man versus Gargantus! (Tales Of Suspense #40) [Récit complet], Bernstein Robert (S), Kirby Jack (D), Heck Don (E) | | The stronghold of Doctor Strange!, The stronghold of Doctor Strange! (Tales Of Suspense #41) [Récit complet], Bernstein Robert (S), Kirby Jack (D), Ayers Dick (E) | | Trapped by the Red Barbarian, Trapped by the Red Barbarian (Tales Of Suspense #42) [Récit complet], Bernstein Robert (S), Heck Don (DE) | | Iron Man versus Kala, queen of the netherworld!, Iron Man versus Kala, queen of the netherworld! (Tales Of Suspense #43) [Récit complet], Bernstein Robert (S), Kirby Jack (D), Heck Don (E) | | The mad Pharaoh!, The mad Pharaoh! (Tales Of Suspense #44) [Récit complet], Bernstein Robert (S), Heck Don (DE) | | The icy fingers of Jack Frost!, The icy fingers of Jack Frost! (Tales Of Suspense #45) [Récit complet], Bernstein Robert (S), Heck Don (DE) | | Iron Man faces the Crimson Dynamo!, Iron Man faces the Crimson Dynamo! (Tales Of Suspense #46) [Récit complet], Bernstein Robert (S), Heck Don (DE) | | Iron Man battles the Melter!, Iron Man battles the Melter! (Tales Of Suspense #47) [Récit complet], Ditko Steve (D), Heck Don (E) | | The mysterious Mr. Doll!, The mysterious Mr. Doll! (Tales Of Suspense #48) [Récit complet], Ditko Steve (D), Ayers Dick (E) | | The new Iron Man meets the Angel!, The new Iron Man meets the Angel! (Tales Of Suspense #49) [Récit complet], Ditko Steve (D), Reinman Paul (E) | | The hands of the Mandarin!, The hands of the Mandarin! (Tales Of Suspense #50) [Récit complet], Heck Don (DE) | | The sinister Scarecrow, The sinister Scarecrow (Tales Of Suspense #51) [Récit complet], Heck Don (DE) | | The Crimson Dynamo strikes again!, The Crimson Dynamo strikes again! (Tales Of Suspense #52) [Récit complet], Rico Don (S), Heck Don (DE) | | The Black Widow strikes again!, The Black Widow strikes again! (Tales Of Suspense #53) [Récit complet], Rico Don (S), Heck Don (DE) | | The Mandarin's revenge!, The Mandarin's revenge! (Tales Of Suspense #54) [Récit complet], Heck Don (DE) | | No one escapes the Mandarin!, No one escapes the Mandarin! (Tales Of Suspense #55) [Récit complet], Heck Don (DE) | | The uncanny Unicorn!, The uncanny Unicorn! (Tales Of Suspense #56) [Récit complet], Heck Don (DE) | | Hawkeye, the marksman!, Hawkeye, the marksman! (Tales Of Suspense #57) [Récit complet], Heck Don (DE) | | In mortal combat with Captain America!, In mortal combat with Captain America! (Tales Of Suspense #58) [Récit complet], Heck Don (D), Ayers Dick (E) | D : Dessin E : Encreur Découvrez les origines et les débuts d'Iron Man à travers les vingt premiers épisodes de sa série extraits de Tales of Suspense ! Écrites et illustrées par Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Don Heck et Steve Ditko, ces pages mémorables voient l'apparition historique du Mandarin et de la Dynamo Pourpre. Autre(s) publication(s): Iron Man is born! (Tales Of Suspense #39) | | Iron Man faces the Crimson Dynamo! (Tales Of Suspense #46) | | The hands of the Mandarin! (Tales Of Suspense #50) | | The Crimson Dynamo strikes again! (Tales Of Suspense #52) | | The Black Widow strikes again! (Tales Of Suspense #53) | | The uncanny Unicorn! (Tales Of Suspense #56) | | Hawkeye, the marksman! (Tales Of Suspense #57) | | Oeil de Faucon le tireur d'élite dans Strange (Strange #132) |
| In mortal combat with Captain America! (Tales Of Suspense #58) | | Combat contre... Captain America ! dans Strange (Strange #133) |