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© Urban Comics

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Numéro 2
ScénarioDeMatteis John Marc | Giffen Keith
DessinMaguire Kevin
EncrageRubinstein Josef
CouleurLoughridge Lee
Date20 novembre 2015
EditeurUrban Comics
SérieJustice League Saga Hors-Série, numéro 2
autres tomes1 | 2

- (Formerly Known as the Justice League #1) [Couverture], Maguire Kevin (D), Rubinstein Josef (E), Loughridge Lee (C)
A[nother] New Beginning (Formerly Known as the Justice League #1) [Récit complet]
Déjà Vu All Over Again (Formerly Known as the Justice League #2) [Récit complet]
Dead Man's Hand (Formerly Known as the Justice League #3) [Récit complet]
Formerly Known as the Justice League (Formerly Known as the Justice League #4) [Récit complet]
The Wrath of Manga Khan (Formerly Known as the Justice League #5) [Récit complet]
A League of Their Own (Formerly Known as the Justice League #6) [Récit complet]

LES ANCIENS MEMBRES DE LA LIGUE DE JUSTICE INTERNATIONALE DANS UNE AVENTURE INÉDITE ! Keith GIFFEN, J.M. DeMATTEIS et Kevin MAGUIRE, le trio responsable des épisodes cultes de JUSTICE LEAGUE INTERNATIONAL dans les années 1980 revient aux commandes de la version iconoclaste et délurée de la Ligue de Justice ! Booster Gold, Blue Beetle, Max Lord et surtout Guy Gardner reprennent du service dans une saga complète et inédite en VF.

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